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my tribute to a very unique aussie son

hey blokes,

you propably heard about the tragical death of steve irwin, already. He died on monday at the northern-east coast here in queensland (great-barrier reef) during filming some sequences of stingrays for his daughters television show. I received this sad news from the radio, while driving back from eungella national-park, spotting some (almost harmless) platypus. I reckon every single child and their parents over here in queensland are just confused and distressed. you should see the people here in queensland...grief and mourning almost everywhere! his accident is the number one topic in every single pub!
Steve was an colourful aussie icon and became even famous all over the world.
he produced heaps of wildlife television shows and even one hollywood movie supported by bruce willis.
I remember myself sitting hours in front of the television-screen watching him catching the most venomous and dangerous animals of australia. he always seemed to me a bit to crazy and putting himself in senseless hazards but I also have to admitt that was the stuff I liked to see.
the main-reason for getting that popular was his very special way to handle all the poiseness creatures here in australia...without any fear!
considering his backround, to die by get pierced of a stingraybarb into the heart, it sounds rediculous for all of us. at least he died where he always used to be...outside!
by the way, there is just one more confirmed stingray-victim (12 year old boy in 1988) in entire australia. they usually never attack humans never know.
anyway i really feel sad about that incidence and appreciate especially his enviromantal work very much! I want to thank him once again for the very exciting and funny moments, he provided me on television(especially in the handful boring hours here in oz). in fact, he is the father of two very young children, I hope his family will have the strenght to get over it.

australia lost his very unique and colourful son, heaven got one more beautiful angel

see you


Anonymous Anonym said...

Hey Malcom and of course twinny2,

yes his dead is very tragical but I agree Malcom that his dead does not serve a higher purpose! Anybody who is really interested in life of those animals wont watch the cracy stuff of that guy. He played with crocodiles as those were dogs -how stupid must a man be to think he could evaluate reactions of an animal that has a brain not bigger then an nut ? I prefer watching BBC - they dont take themeself that serious.
Anyway, I guess it wasnt in his mind to get killed by that way.

Well one rhyme advice do I have: Never go down in deep blue see if you are not supposed to be! :)

see you guys

Twinny 1

7:41 PM

Anonymous Anonym said...

...Hallo Porsch, s schleift......och habe schon so lange keine schönen Fotos mehr zu sehen bekommen und ich schau so regelmäßig vorbei und bin immer voll gespant darauf, das de mal was neues zum lesen hastm, aber irgendwie.....?? Ich hoffe das ist ein Zeichen, das es dir gut geht??? Ich geh mal davon aus??

Liebe Grüße aus deutschen Landen! :)

1:50 AM

Anonymous Anonym said...

tach och post Twinny 2,

wo se recht hat hat se recht! s schleeft soo sehr das nische ma mer was am schleefsteen is. Da muste ma was neues nei tun ins world wide web du oller ossi du. bist nämlich een ossi und keen aussi. das gannste dir ruhg ma merchen.

hau rein,

Twinny 1

12:37 AM


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